• 14 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023

  • Oh damn I never knew that, see in games like that I never even bother to jump in a sailboat when I see one because I know chances are it is going to be lame and make me sad and the sailboat wasn’t put there as a drivable vehicle to make me happy but rather the programmers just made it so you could drive all the boats even if some of them were painfully boring and oversimplified to the point of being an utter waste of time and honestly kind of a middle finger to sailing. Like Saints Row style comedic games should just have the character go down into the cabin, come back up with a chainsaw, cut the mast down and then turn on the outboard to make it into a motor boat, that would be way less horrendous than programmers spending a bunch of time animating totally fake sails that just magically spin the wind direction every which way they go (it hurts my brain a little just trying to explain it from the standpoint of actually understanding the very barebones basics of sailing).

    I have always had a bit of a grudge against Rockstar for not having their sailboats behave like sailboats in their games. They absolutely have the money and they have shown the aptitude to make mechanically superb focused games like the midnight club series or more specifically the table tennis game they made that is… just a damn fucking good table tennis game.

    Rockstar could have made their sailboats behave like sailboats at least in GTA 5 and when people realized that was awesome they could have stupendously easily turned it into it’s own entire separate sailing game built on the GTA engine… from there small rowable sloops for inland waterways useful for running rum covertly to unexpected and unwatched places where cargo could be discretely offloaded would naturally slot PERFECTLY into a Red Dead Redemption 2 dlc focused on swamps and waterways….


    No excuses game developers, learn to sail, go play Pancake Sailor, I will not accept this level of extreme sailing ignorance going forward. Sailing is one of the dopest skills humans have ever mastered (and is certainly one sentient aliens on ocean planets all over the universe must have mastered as well, certainly before becoming a spacefaring race if that is even possible right?) and unlike space video games, the moment to moment skill of sailing a ship is fundamentally rich in sensory feedbacks and necessary minute control corrections.

  • I was so fucking hyped when I realized Valheim actually has the fundamentals of real sailing in it, certainly I had already fallen in love with Valheim at that point, discovering the sailboats weren’t half-asssed just reaffirmed to me in that moment that the lifelong partner I had been looking for and never finding in Minecraft was here, waiting for me, with a beard and torch. This whole time it wasn’t me for being weird and always getting really disconnected from the core gameplay loop of Minecraft after the initial rush of revisiting the game after awhile ran off in the way others who liked the game as much as me didn’t seem to… and this whole time I wondered what was wrong with ME.

    Valheim whispered into my ear “honey, you KNOW what you want and I am going to give it to you” and shattered that whole complex in an instant when that shitty raft popped into the water in front of me after I crafted it for the first time.

  • Oh gosh if I wasn’t broke right now I would instabuy Sailwind lol, it looks exactly like what my heart has wanted from sailing games forever, but have always gotten arcadey, shallow action experiences that use the theming of pirate ships as a thin veneer to mechanics that have nothing to with sailing.

    I don’t know when I will get Sailwind but when I do I will play the ever living shit out of it.

    edit well I watched too many Sailwind videos because I was curious and then suddenly out of nowhere I smelled something weird and I realized I had in my excitement for imagining being able to stack cargo in my sailing ship like a kid in a sandbox playing with toys that I had already lit a $20 bill on fire with a lighter I had unconsciously pulled out of my pocket and at that point it would have been a waste not to buy Sailwind so shrugs no way I can win I guess, you got me corned again life.

    Well, video games are a good distraction from being hungry at least!

  • yeah the free pancake game I linked is very very simple in scope,it isnt meant to be a main game or anything (marineverse cup is the nonvr “main” version I think).

    The sailing model is good though and the simplicity is a perfect intro into sailing skills, which I think is the point. Think of it as a simple meditative idle game where you learn a very real skill.

    I am interested in trying other companies sailing games like sailwind, sail forth (arcadey but apparently true sailing in spirit) and maybesome of the more expensive ones at somepoint idk.

    I think I will get marineverse cup for $5 on sale but idk I havent played it yet and other sailing games look really good too (sailwind thoooo).

    What I can say for sure is Pancake Sailor is perfect at what it is trying to be and it is a pleasure.

    I would love to hear other’s recommendations on games with deep and nuanced true sailing mechanics, it is almost impossible to deduce from the outside with a game even if sailboats are everywhere in the theme. I also dont vibe with sailing for the intense racing vibes, more for the experience of wandering, that is what a sunfish always represented to me growing up, I could care less about zooming around a specific track, small pancake sailors are the mountainbikes of nearshore choppy but moderate inland coastal waters.

  • I really wanted to live in the timeline where I grew into adulthood in a society that accepted neurodivergent people and loved them beyond a superficial performance of acceptance.

    Instead I got one full of people that poorly hide their disgust for the way I stim and get excited in conversations about a current hyperfocus under a myriad of disguises, I guess the latest one being that I am clearly too weird and inchoherent to be human, the AI thing being an unconscious way to gatekeep what “human” and “non-human” conversations look like.

    I struggle not to hate people like you, you destroy my life over and over again simply because I don’t make sense to you. Then you get upset when people like me react aggressively because it isn’t your fault you didn’t allow space for a mind like mine to exist, how could you have known?

    Maybe you could work on listening better so you aren’t so incredibly lost when it comes to evaluating whether a human being or algorithm is talking. I will not defend myself, I am wordy, annoying, opinionated and holy fuck my sentences run on and on but my oh my it is insulting to your own intelligence to lazily pass my words off as maybe AI generated you fool.

  • Can y’all IT people please stop with the condescending “you don’t know how stupid people are about computers”, it seems like there is always one of you showing up in a comment thread to tell us that we can’t have the future literally all of us want including you all as well… because WE are too stupid and lazy about computers.

    I helped a grown ass human who was my age at 40yo how to install a Firefox extension.

    Were you as condescending to them in person as you are being in referencing them right now? Why is not knowing how to install a Firefox extension some indicator of foreclosure on the possibility of that person becoming computer literate along whatever metrics you define? There are plenty of smart people out there who can learn how to use a computer for very complex tasks who have just simply never learned about extensions for Firefox. This is a very feasible and normal reality.

    Do you know how to change the oil on your car yourself? Do simple plumbing jobs? Could you run a classroom of middle schoolers and keep them all focused while keeping your eye on the shy sad kid in the back who tends to disappear if you don’t engage them? What about basic healthcare changes or cooking? What about outdoor work or basic small engine maintenance? Do you even know shit about the most basic species of trees in your backyard? Do you know the species of songbirds you often hear outside your window? Do you even pay attention to that? Do you know how to drive a dirt bike extremely fast on a rough dirt road? Do you know how to adjust for the violent explosive power of turbo lag in a car with a turbocharger so that torque oversteer doesn’t launch you off the road? Do you know how to sew and repair basic garments? To weave? Can you even fish? Like could you literally even just catch a fish to save your life right now if I handed you a fishing rod unassembled with no instructions?

    My point is, don’t go looking for confirmation of how stupid or lazy people are or how limited their capacity is to evolve and grow by casting the shapes of their ignorance onto the floor and trying to read some magic language from that.

    Maybe they don’t know because they are hopelesssly stupid, but maybe not? If they are intelligent and they don’t know computers then those are the perfect people to teach linux. Then it is their first language instead of windows, many linux distro are perfectly fine for this at this point.

    See here is the bottom line, legions of IT people show up online always arguing they think they know that the average person is too dumb, lazy and uninterested in computers for Linux adoption to seriously take off in the personal computer market and challenge Microsoft, but y’all don’t know shit about humans. You are experts in computers who think that makes you experts in human potential.

    Go take some theater classes (or get an degree in education) and get educated before you start drawing conclusions about people when you really haven’t spent time closely studying how people engage with their potential and what situations facilitate that in basic human interaction and framing of conversations (both literal and abstract).

    I’m sorry if I snapped at you but I think it is existentially important to recognize here that we don’t know what people are capable of, you can’t know the essential capacity of people to change, don’t try to predict it. Focus on creating the material opportunity for change and the rest may follow depending on what people desire, no matter to us, we desire to create that positive opportunity for change because it is the right thing to do, not because we like the future growth charts of the things we believe are important and vital.

  • Motor Town - I am now on the top 10 leaderboard for taxi driving because I play on my steam deck lots. It is perfect for it. Sometimes it gets the steam deck too hot I need to fiddle with settings.

    Easy Red 2 - just buy it, it runs awesome on the steam deck, and with joysticks you can get a p51 mustang deadly locked in, maybe not quite a joystick but close.

    Operation Harsh Doorstep - free realistic modern shooter with vehicles and modding support with a lot of potential, most maps run decent and scoped weapons arent bad on steam deck with gyroscope on, it really helps with recoil.

    Maniac - yes

  • I haven’t played the board game but I have heard it is a brilliant complex multiplayer strategy game that really captures the shifting factional politics that the books and movies are so focused on.

    I am super happy there is a digital version of Dune Imperium, really good digital versions of really good board games are super underrated. Especially when the core strategy of the board game is so good it makes super complex pc strategy empire games with terrible UIs, confusing resources and a million little fiddly useless decisions look pretty absurd in how much useless stuff they add just for stuffs sake.

    I think the digital version will allow many more games of Dune Imperium to practically happen remote than otherwise would happen.

  • I have nothing of substance to add but I love you and the people who make this website run.

    Honestly, y’all make the world a better place by helping keep the future of social media alive and growing by providing a home for people that is astonishingly rare in its genuine and open nature.

    There are many things we can do in this world to impact it, many things we believe that are required of us in order to make the world turn (we all must suffer at shitty workplaces for 40+ hours a week), but many of those things are small acts that change only the fabric and weave immediately around us in the tapestry of our lives.

    Helping maintain and run sopuli.xyz is NOT one of those acts, it is a major strategic offensive against a shitty corporate social media hellscape that simultaneously is a friendly home for good people to chat, what you are doing by helping keep the servers running, making tough (or mindnumbingly mundane) moderation decisions or you know just keeping the lights on in general… is creating the most valuable thing in the world, early momentum for an extremely transformative and powerful force for good.

    Please remind yourself of that every day, the work you are doing is beautiful and inspiring in the simplicity and openness of the gift you provide the world through your labor. The work you are doing is also not just making the world a better place, it is doing it efficiently as fuck too, you are getting a damn fucking good deal out of blood sweat and tears for your heartfelt effort as every ounce of energy you put into helping craft the future of the fediverse has an innumerable force multiplying effect on how quickly and feasibly that future fediverse comes into reality.

    From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

  • In terms of twin stick games, Voidigo is currently giving Enter The Gungeon a run for its money.


    i recommend this bundle, donut dodo, round guard, indie guards in that bundle,

    Also Hyperparasite in this one https://www.fanatical.com/en/pick-and-mix/platinum-collection-build-your-own-bundle

    Spelunky 2



    Heroes Of Hammerwatch

    Helldivers 1


    Terraria (of course)


    Duck Game

    Don’t Starve Together

    Nuclear Throne (of course!!!)

    Streets Of Rogue!! (keep your eye out for Streets Of Rogue 2!!!)

    Wobbly Life



    Ember Knights

    Bones Cafe

    Shovel Knight

    Rainworld Downpour

    Petal Crash

    Definitely Sneaky But Not Sneaky

    Sigma Impact

    Cassette Beasts

    Spirits Abyss

    Cosmos Quickstop


    Farm Together

    Death Road To Canada !!! <-----

    Knight Squad 2

    One Step From Eden

    Mutant Football League

    Rampage Knights

    Maniac (who cares it isn’t co-op it is hilarious as a pass and play)

    X Morph Defense


    Tricky Towers

    Himno the silent melody

    Dungeon Of The Endless

    Adventures Of Shuggy

    Renegade Ops

    Omega Strikers (online team based)


    Ms Splosion Man

    Full Metal Furies

    Battleblock Theater

    Colt Canyon

    Cook Serve Delicious series