Humans are routine oriented creatures, introducing an arbitrary hour deficit in sleep once a year has measurable and fairly profound effects on physical and mental health. Sure, it can be planned for, but circadian rhythms are hard to mess with for a lot of people and going to bed an hour earlier isn’t always an option
Measurable health effects associated with the daylight saving time shift
Adverse Effects of Daylight Saving Time on Adolescents’ Sleep and Vigilance
Daylight Saving Time Transitions: Impact on Total Mortality
The impact of daylight saving time on sleep and related behaviours
This is by far the more important aspect
Humans are routine oriented creatures, introducing an arbitrary hour deficit in sleep once a year has measurable and fairly profound effects on physical and mental health. Sure, it can be planned for, but circadian rhythms are hard to mess with for a lot of people and going to bed an hour earlier isn’t always an option
Cool. But stay on dst anyhow. It’s way nicer to never have it be dark at 5pm.
Enjoy your 0830 am sunrises in winter then
I’m completely fine with that. I leave for work at 5 am and I prefer it staying dark before I get there.
More of us sleep through the first hour of sunlight, than the last hour.