Feel free to have a look at
100 years of solitude. I have read the book like 20 years ago, so I didn’t remember all details, but seems like they implemented very faithfully to the original, sons of Márquez are producers.
I watched most of say nothing, a show on Hulu about the Irish troubles. I’ve got one more episode left. It’s alright.
Star Trek Enterpise, I’m about half way through the first season.
The new Warlockracy video, and then it just keep autoplaying his other videos and that was fine.
Finished Bodyguard (the 2018 series, completely unrelated to the 90’s movie), was an excellent watch.
Started Squid Game S02 last night - I wasn’t a fan of the first season, but my wife wanted to see how it continues. Two episodes in and I still don’t really like it.
Squid game s02 first 2 epis are super slow and boring. It gets a bit better after that.
Still getting through Dandadan, liking Infinity Train so far
Squid Game 2
Just porn. If anyone cares I can give you the title
Just watched Carry-on last night.
It was…
Dumb as hell.
I was thoroughly and consistently entertained for about 90% of it. Literally so bad it’s good.
Also dumb as hell
Haven’t watched much of anything outside of whatever my dad has on TV, but I plan to start watching Adventures of Sonic The Hedgehog (the goofy Sonic Says one, not SatAM) soon. Can’t wait to watch it for one of my favorite versions of Tails.
Snowfall, going to watch the finale today. And squid game, season 2. It’s weird though, it feels like there are 2 episodes missing.
i quit squid game 2 midway through ep5. it really was that bad.
Yeah it was a watch for me because I was bored, not because it kept my attention. I’ve seen every corner of Lemmy during watching it haha
We watched No Good Deed on Netflix. It’s quite good with the guy from everybody loves Raymond and the one woman from Friends.
Looking forward to every episode of Silo season 2! Should I pick up the books?
I recently finished the 3rd one. Wasn’t impressed to be honest. Once the mystery is revealed it was kind of a slog.
I read the books when they first came out and feel like the TV show has done a superb job so… It depends on your personality I suppose.
I loved the lotr movies but have no intention of reading the books. Other times I’ve been very glad I read the book before seeing a movie but rarely the other way around. I just find your imagination is predisposed to picture what you’ve already seen rather than building your own world mentally. If that’s not an issue for you then they’re decent books but do become a slight slog later on as the other commenter said.
Lots this week as I took time off work and was sick in bed for a chunk of it …
- Anora. Superb movie.
- The fountain. This one wasn’t for me so much.
- Juror #2. Enjoyed this one but it ran a little longer than I felt it could have.
- The fighter. You get what you’re expecting here. Decent popcorn flick.
- Biosphere. Weird one but fun. Way better than the IMDB score imo.
- The long kiss goodnight. Saw it recommended on here as a decent alternative to Die Hard as a Christmas movie and I’d agree. Very 90’s.
- Legend. Story of the Kray twins who were London gangsters in the 60’s. Tom Hardy is very good as usual.
- Anti matter. Low budget sci-fi. Decent idea but the implementation was middling. Still enjoyed it.
That’s about it. A solid week of movies I’d say. :)
came so close to watching the long kiss goodnight but have been wanting fantasy or scifi.
Ah to be honest it’s not fantastic. It’s just a solid alternative to Die Hard. Definitely a one and done but worth seeing.
oh man have I been bad today. final fantasy the spirits within. turbokid. isolation. splinter. during the week I finished off taken the tv series which I had started last week.
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