Something like that happened to “a friend”. During a several day hike, a #2 in the wood was wiped a bit too hastily and some of it was missed.
Now the remnant bits dried and glued the hair from both cheeks together, during the hike after that my “friend” could feel the hairs being pulled from one side to another at each step he was taking.
Technically humans don’t have to wipe either. But it would be like dried Nutella in a shag carpet.
Something like that happened to “a friend”. During a several day hike, a #2 in the wood was wiped a bit too hastily and some of it was missed.
Now the remnant bits dried and glued the hair from both cheeks together, during the hike after that my “friend” could feel the hairs being pulled from one side to another at each step he was taking.
Not a great experience.
you know, you dont have to share every thought that crosses your mind
No, no, thoughts like that are the entire point of the internet, and language itself
Seems like that would result in a constantly itchy butthole? I guess one could get used to it.
For the cleaning fetish people: