I just find it adorable how they are constantly regurgitating various blocks of quasi-legalese word salad and they think that it actually means something.
And they spend hours “studying” their nonsense, and when they come up for air to ask a question because none of it makes sense, of course, the other sovcits just tell them they need to study. It’s a game of chicken really.
This one started out as a misunderstanding - while they were seriously mistaken about reality, you could still see them being sane. Then, wtf, take those kids for their safety
I just find it adorable how they are constantly regurgitating various blocks of quasi-legalese word salad and they think that it actually means something.
And they spend hours “studying” their nonsense, and when they come up for air to ask a question because none of it makes sense, of course, the other sovcits just tell them they need to study. It’s a game of chicken really.
do yOuR own ReSeArCh!
To be fair, Legalese reads like magic to the average person already.
Might as well try to make your own incantations from those same magic words.
That’s actually pretty close to the truth. They’re LARPing their simulacra of legal speak.
They also treat some words as spells. As if the utterance alone creates an effect on reality.
I mean, the law has radically different effects based on the interpretation of a comma.
If sovcits ever manage to get one of their own elected as a judge, their utterances will, indeed, have a tangible effect on reality.
This has to be the first time I’ve seen a sovcit use the made up legalese against themselves.
This one started out as a misunderstanding - while they were seriously mistaken about reality, you could still see them being sane. Then, wtf, take those kids for their safety