As ominously as this could be interpreted, I think it’s clear within context.
Im worried about the butcherknife in place of a scalpel though
That is a chef’s knife
Ceci n’est pas une pipe
Look, random organ bits, famous ancient Chinese delicacy, ok? Which animal, no care.
Source: Am Chinese.
italian fingers to the mouth mwuah!
I mean, that’s the only notes. Beautiful effort otherwise.
I read it as 8am sharp
I’m impressed they spelled tomorrow right.
Tbh I’m impressed they wrote any of it. I imagine they’ve never written anything ij the latin alphabet before so they might have copied the letters photographically
The average person in China is plenty familiar with the Latin alphabet, and English is a required subject in most schools.
Wow, didn’t realize this
English is a required subject in most schools
I was born in PRC.
In this timeline, I immigrated to the US, and therefore English is easy to me. And I haven’t spoken Mandarin in over 10 years. And barely used Cantonese when at home.
Imagine the alternate timeline where I’m still in China. Then my English skills might be as bad as my current spanish skills (Terrible)
(Well, to be fair, I didn’t care about spanish because it isn’t a lingua franca of the world)
Really curious about that timeline. 🤔
Already better than so many reddit posters. Quick! Ask a Chinese nurse to pluralize ‘traffic’ and ‘email’ and see if she puts an S on either. I’m betting no, as she seems on top of things.
Hah! It’s ‘traffeaux’ and ‘emu’. Next question!
Today 🥒🫒 tomorrow 🍑
Murdering starts promptly at 8:00 in the morning
I’m assuming that’s local time, the note isn’t very specific
Imagine being late for your own murder? Awkward
I’d be so embarrassed
Honestly I think this is cool and if I were in this situation I’d have really appreciated it
I’d be like:
“Y’all know Baidu also have a translator, right? 🤨”
I wouldn’t have added the blood drop, but ok. Otherwise, good job.
Me: Oh man, I sure hope I don’t get a vist from knife guy!
Knife guy:
I get that it’s a meme, but surely the nurse could just write something on their phone and translate it to English
As old as this image is, I’m not sure.
This is the nicest note i’ve ever seen.
All I’ve gotten from U.S. hospitals is thousands of dollars of bills even with insurance.
This is very nice for them to take the time to draw the little icons
➡️🌄 🗡💀🪦 🎶🕺⚰️🕺🎶
Good ole Vicetone & Tony Igy - Astronomia
Tomorrow, you become an organ donor.
Preparation to a circumcision?
Love that’s it bowl of rice, exactly like my Asian wife makes it.