I was an orphan at the time, but when I was putting myself through college I had food stamps and it helped me a ton with keeping me fed. I was fortunate to have that program available to me at that time in my life. I also worked several jobs at the same time.
We dont want poors getting educated
Only rich people get free stuff in the states, anyone who actually needs it is a freeloader.
its because conservatives lack empathy. theres literally no other reason.
It’s also the student loan racket.
Mostly because all of that is a highly-confusing tangle. Food stamps are hilariously limited in most states, same with Medicaid. Section 8/HUD will almost always make sure you wind up living in the most run-down tenement your town has, run by the shittiest landlord, who will almost always be looking for a reason to evict you - and that even assumes you don’t have to wait literal years. The current wait time for Section 8 housing in my city is something like a year and a half.
food stamps is a bizarre trap in 2025
You can often get such assistance if you are poor. If you aren’t, it’s expected you or your parents will cover basic costs.
There’s no reason why they can’t if they qualify for them, afaik. If you have literally zero income and nobody is feeding you, you qualify.
I had to work full time in college, all my money went to rent and the cheapest food I could find. I didn’t qualify for Medicaid, and I only qualified for $30 a month in food stamps. I also didn’t qualify for section 8 housing. It was pretty shocking. That extra $30 a month genuinely helped though
that’s a huge political question. of all time probably.
should we educate and train new warriors in how to not kill?
i guess it’s not going so well.
College students can be eligible for SNAP & HUD.
It is actually the case around here.
The idea is derived from one of the basic human rights: education.
It means, everybody has the same right to education (not just the rich ones), and therefore it is society’s task to make sure that nobody gets denied it just because the parents are poor.
No one’s ever been advised of…
Because in capitalist America, you only get financial help if you don’t need it.
They do it like that in many european countries.
America is run by psychopaths. Who only want suffering for anyone in need. Just how this system has murdered its way to existence.
Fear of an educated proletariat