When you let the nuts runs the show, sanity goes on trial
“How dare you notice my fascism! You’re mentally ill!” gaslighting at its finest and classifying something doesn’t make it true.
Maybe if your cult obsession with Trump is to the point where you propose bills like this you might be mentally ill for real.
one of the sponsors was arrested for soliciting a minor today
Gaggle Of Pedophiles
Changnesia is REAL!!!
I seem to clearly remember a story from the Bible about this, but perhaps they’ve simply skipped that part during their reading?
Guys, just steal this and use it to describe deranged Trump idiots. The right wing steals useful words like “fake news” and “groomer” and alters their meanings for political purposes all of the time. This one should be a layup because without reading into it everyone already thinks it’s the condition those everyday July 4th cosplay, big truck with tattered flags morons have.
Funny thing is that’s how I read it…
This is amazing to watch! To see all the liberals trying to figure out what TDS means to themselves. It’s a blessing to see so many being illuminated.
They’re starting to become aware of themselves!
Hey, turns out one of the Republican senators that helped draft this bill is a pedophile.
Hopefully you figure out what TDS means and who the people you associate with really are.
Canada and Mexico REALLY need to seal our borders…
The problems in both countries have always been the US
I love how far I had to read before it was clear that it’s not what Trump has; it’s what people who disagree with him apparently have.
Diseases are often named after their victims…
Also, and this is buried in everything he is doing, but how arrogant do you have to be to assume that every person disagrees with him just because he’s Donald Trump, and not because there are valid concerns?
its not about arrogance.
its about manufacturing cause to lock up and dispose of dissenting voices.
Fair, but I’m sure he’s arrogant enough to believe it, too.
Yeah, but arrogance just one layer of the shit onion of fascism we are currently being force fed.
I agree. It should be “Trump’s Derangement Syndrome” law, either as impeachment or as A25 issue.
Russian stooge uses Russian method of oppression by abusing the mental health care system.
The smug childishness of a grade school bully who got you in trouble after you lost your shit and finally punched back. These assclowns are infuriating.
Unless real doctors accept this as a real illness, it’s just politicians jerking off.
It allows them to send people who don’t like Trump to mental asylums
This is potentially a legal rather than a medical diagnosis, and if the legal system is sufficiently corrupted, it doesn’t matter what doctors think.
Also, in previous instances (Bush-era torture, for example), the medical and psychological professions just went along. Nover underestimate the venality and spinelessness of professional organizations.