Life is always preparing for the next cataclysm but fediverse is preparing for corporations hemorrhaging users. I keep looing at numbers and different sources show that there’s a peak in MAU when Elon buys twitter, but then slowly falls over time. I’m curious if anyone has noticed a drop off, or if the peak had some crazy amount of posts and comments?

side note: I’m trying to help build up the fediverse streamer community get the people that want to watch streamer with people that want to watch streamer, but I have only noticed minor improvements. like streamers are connecting with other streamers, and one account has said that they got a boost. nothing to suggest that new members have joined from outside the fediverse streamer.

    9 days ago

    I think being added to join-lemmy definitely helps but people that are already on Lemmy aren’t going to that site so it definitely shows that we are growing (or at least replacing people at a decent rate)

    Sounds like you have a good instance, congrats on the growth