And I mean in like, The 2011 Japan earthquake where our days literally got faster, COVID because … Y’know. COVID. Etc.
What’s a time in your life you experienced something like that, when was it and what ended up happening to you?
And I mean in like, The 2011 Japan earthquake where our days literally got faster, COVID because … Y’know. COVID. Etc.
What’s a time in your life you experienced something like that, when was it and what ended up happening to you?
I remember the first plane hitting and just gawping at the TV. That seemed bad enough. Fucking passenger plane hitting a skyscraper. WTF? Then the second plane hit the other tower and while the guy on the news was still umming and erring, I knew immediately that it was deliberate.
I was in 7th grade at the time, and for whatever reason we didn’t have the news on in the morning before school like usual. I get to school and everyone is freaking out, but I couldn’t get anyone to tell me what was going on, just “omg we’re all going to die.” Then I get to homeroom (8am PST) and our teacher had the news on and it was just “holy shit.”
Yep. I was 18 at the time and I was absolutely dumbfounded. I literally could not believe what I was seeing. Buddy said someone attacked the tower with a bomb or something and we turned on the TV just minutes before the 2nd plane hit. Was fucking unreal.