• Nightwingdragon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    for many matters trump and biden are identical

    trump moved the embassy to jerusalem, legitimizing israel’s violation of international law

    Not that I really want to be defending Trump here, but remember that the US does not recognize international law.

    biden goes over and gives netanyahu a big hug on TV in order to make it clear to the whole world he openly endorses genocide

    Because of the way Israel handled the situation, there was really no way Biden was going to be able to take one side or the other without pissing somebody off. Both were in the wrong. Hamas clearly should not have attacked unprovoked and taken hundreds of hostages, but Israel should not have gone full “Kill 'em all and let God sort them out” mode either. The hospital bombing didn’t do anyone any favors either, as you could have video evidence proving who was responsible and people still wouldn’t believe it.

    trump started the border wall

    Actually, no. George HW Bush stared the wall and every single president since him has expanded it ever since. Trump was just the first to make it a focal point of his campaign and policy.

    biden expanded construction on it

    So did every president before him.

    trump unilaterally broke the iranian nuclear deal

    biden makes no real effort to reinstate it

    Iran was pissed that Trump unilaterally broke it in the first place, and feel that attempting to re-negotiate would be pointless if the next administration can just unilaterally drop it on a whim. Plus, with Iran seemingly readying to go up against Israel, any attempt to reinstate it is probably dead on arrival at this point.

    trump puts tariffs on chinese steel and other imports from china

    biden continues the same tariffs

    Why should Biden lift tariffs from a country that is becoming increasingly hostile to us and have far more draconian measures in place in their own country?

    trump used “temporary” covid measures in order to refuse people at the border seeking asylum and separate families

    biden uses the same exact policies, again in violation of both international and internal laws

    Again, international law does not apply in the US, and many countries had strict immigration policies in place regarding COVID.

    the difference between them is narrow and focused on specific topics. for example biden is nice to the rainbow flag.

    Well if that isn’t awfully condescending…