• Buchenstr@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    America always needed a bogyman, the Soviet Union did a perfect job for it, military menacing, but an economy which couldn’t challenge the US economical power globally, Perfect! But China? they’re scared shitless. Americans are witnessing the slow collapse of their economy and are puzzled, why is manufacturing gone? why is my government incompetent? Why is corruption more accepted now than ever before? Answer: China China China… Did I mention CHINA? Not to mention Jake Sullivan’s speech on how neo-liberalism has fundamentally destroyed America, no not the average American, that happened in the 1980s, but actually AMERICA. The US cannot compete with china, evidence is the shrinking manufacturing sector, the stagnation of innovative research and designs. Hell even the biggest banks aren’t american anymore, the top 4 are located in china.

    I would like to add another thing, the west since 1991 has been experiencing its best prosperity in ages, with people fully buying into the capitalist dream, now its completely different. Even liberals recognize that the good times are over, and people are desperate for those good times to come back. The rise of china completely shatters the average westerner delusions, a country cannot preform better than their own, Afterall haven’t I been told that the west has the greatest, most wealthiest, and prosperous nations in the world? People need this lie to be sold to them, otherwise they’ll have to re-wind a life-time of propaganda.