Kelly Wong's appointment is the result of a 2020 voter-approved measure that removed the citizenship requirement to serve on San Francisco boards, commissions and advisory bodies.
She has a number of chronic illnesses. All in all its a pretty normal day as unfortunate as that is. She will be ok, but it’s still spooky.
She is on medicaid. So when the conservatives around here say stupid shit like “i don’T wANt To pAy FOr SOmEbody ELse’s CARE. they sHoULD Get a JOb AnD pull ThEMSeLves UP By tHeIr BOoTSTrApS” it hits closer to home. They effectively want my girlfriend dead.
Screaming my head off around here about it is slightly better than screaming into the void over their attempts to kill social services.
It was the exact same for me back when I argued about religion. But, a decent portion of it is also just for entertainment.
Right now my girlfriend is in the ER with me, and I don’t have much else to do. Arguing on here passes the time rather quickly.
In the ER? Hope everbody’s ok.
She has a number of chronic illnesses. All in all its a pretty normal day as unfortunate as that is. She will be ok, but it’s still spooky.
She is on medicaid. So when the conservatives around here say stupid shit like “i don’T wANt To pAy FOr SOmEbody ELse’s CARE. they sHoULD Get a JOb AnD pull ThEMSeLves UP By tHeIr BOoTSTrApS” it hits closer to home. They effectively want my girlfriend dead.
Screaming my head off around here about it is slightly better than screaming into the void over their attempts to kill social services.
I wish you two luck, I hope everything will be okay!