• jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.world
    7 months ago

    Article and quotes say that they just wanted a change and to start fresh somewhere else, which they ended up choosing Florida.

    “After long, hard consideration, your mother and I have decided, time to move on and leave the state of California permanently, and we’re going to go to Florida,” Sylvester told his three daughters: Scarlet, 21, Sistine, 25, and Sophia, 27 – referring to his wife of 26 years, Jennifer Flavin.

    “There’s crime everywhere, there’s crime in Florida, too, so I didn’t move because of crime. You can find it anywhere you look, even in small towns,” the mother of three said.

    “I wasn’t moving because, ‘Oh, wow, I wanted another beautiful view.’ Any time changing that paradigm which you become used to, it’s literally to jump-start that process again,” he explained.