I think I finally reached my breaking point with reddit (about time). Earlier this month the humorless admins of /r/teslamotors banned me for posting a video of my custom charge port cover. A day or so later I mistakenly posted on the sub using my secondary account. That’s on me. The /r/teslamotors admins gave me a permaban and reddit gave me 7 day site ban. I can take my lumps so whatever.
However, apparently I commented today on /r/teslamotors using the account that received the permaban. Dumbass reddit gave me another 7 day site ban for ban evasion. WTF? Either a software bug allowed me to comment or /r/teslamotors lifted my ban for some reason.
Neither of those constitute ban evasion IMHO. I’m also tired of using old.reddit.com in phone browser since they killed apis.
I got banned simply for logging into the site with a VPN supposedly for ban evasion. I had never been banned previously.
You’re not alone and it really is that pants-on-head dumb. They have so many users that it doesn’t matter. They don’t care if some legit users get banned.
I got banned from pcmasterrace for mentioning the old precursor to hydrohomies. Seeing as how it contained the “n word”, I took precaution to censor myself and use asterisks, “water******”. I was banned just for insinuating the name of the subreddit. Nevermind the subreddit was good-natured, open and friendly to all (except soda drinkers). And of course the mod that banned me was was telling me bullshit in my appeal like “quit trying to be cute”. What an asshole.
Apparently there’s very few actual mods, so they’ve all become jaded fuckasses who just automatically assume you’re the most low down scum imaginable if you break the rules and appealing the ban is just you trying to get a platform to sea lion at them.
Yeah, I really hate “career mods” who run hundreds of subreddits. Theres people who do it because they love their community and want to see it thrive, and then theres career mods who do it because they lust over having power.
I don’t feel sorry for them at this point.
I would be bitter too if I did free work for a guy making 190 mill a year. Reddit mods are the saddest of usefull idiots
sea lion 😂 what a great description!
Can someone explain this reference?
Look up “2014 sea lion comic”
See this comic strip for reference:
On the internet it has become common to refer to the sort of behaviour that the sea lion from the comic is showing as “sealioning”.
I got permabanned for making a topically-relevant meme reference lol
“quit trying to be cute” as if a powertripping mod should be allowed to have anything to say or do about people seeing your messages or not…
Someone else using the VPN’s gateway was banned, and reddit doesn’t give a shit and just bans anyone who uses it.
I know 2 people caught in VPN bans, neither of them had ever even received a warning before.
Yep. Bunch of silly ban-happy assholes in charge these days. I never even got so much as a warning on one account when it was suddenly permabanned. The comment that got me the ban? Agreeing with OP in a thread just like this that bans were getting out of hand…
And it’s happened to many, many others as well.
After the app protests, they basically put the shittiest, power tripping toadies in charge of a lot of subs, after the decent mods left or were kicked out. Well, fuck ‘em.
They can suck dead donkey dicks.
droidsSpez could think, there’d be none of us here.It doesn’t matter to him. Have you ever seen the home page of snapshot? That’s what he’s going for.
it’s not like [human] Spez can think much either, so maybe that future is closer than we think.
we’re already seeing the results with Twitter, reddit’s just a bit behind the curve.
Just browse it logged off on the old site on a desktop. Or better yet, stop visiting that website entirely.
That’s why I’m here! I scrubbed my comment and post history with Redact this morning. I’d like to think that will prevent them feeding my comments/posts into AI model but I wouldn’t be surprised if they actually use the pre-scrubbed versions.
I would bet that when they signed the deal to use Reddit user posts to train AI they either had already or at that time made a snapshot of everything that would have been considered the base state of the product. They also must have made backups at some point in Reddit’s history that they could refer back to. Hell, they might upsell that in their training data as “Reddit Classic: Before the Diggpocalypse” and “Steve Huffman’s modlog from that period of time that he was the moderator of /r/jailbait.”
You know they also keep every version of a post so its trivially easy for them to grab the last non-redacted version.
I got not only a permaban, but an IP ban for saying ‘Punching nazis is a moral good’ in a thread about people discussing how best to drive cars into crowds of peaceful protesters (with diagrams).
No one else in the thread got banned.
Fuck reddit, fascist shithole. Used to be the best site on the internet till the alt-right took over.
I never thought that I’d be deleting my reddit account before facebook.
You should delete your Facebook too
and xitter. I don’t post anything on there and only read shit that linked from elsewhere.
and host your own lemmy instance :D
What sub was that in?
it was one of the ‘dank’ subs that I found browsing /new, not dankmemes but adjacent.
/dankwolfpack or something
I got a permaban for telling a Nazi to follow Hitler’s example and shoot himself. Oopsie. 10/10 would do it again.
(That’s actually what triggered me to look for Reddit alternatives, years ago. Or rather the fact that they left my mod account unbanned, even banning all the others.)
. Earlier this month the humorless admins of /r/teslamotors banned me for posting a video of my custom charge port cover.
This was one of reddit mod’s famous rando-bans. Something you could have never foreseen and a warning would have solved.
3rd time will be an admin permaban. This is part of the enshitification that mismanagement paid for.
Here is what I think happened:
- subreddit banned account A for 30 days
- when I commented from a secondary account, it was perma-banned from the subreddit.
- reddit then site banned Account A for 7 days.
- I think the 30 day ban for Account A expired yesterday which allowed Account A to comment.
- reddit then issued another site ban on Account A due to ban evasion. But Account A’s ban was for 30 days unlike the permaban which I think only applied to Account B.
I got permabanned for asking mods to do something about the shit posts that violate their rules.
deleted by creator
Its sad because the ban of that 18 year old account wipes its ties to history off the internet if you didn’t save it on your own. It is fucking brutal. Removing the ability to find your history like that should be a crime.
Well, I think federation is the way, it doesn’t seem perfect (I’ve had a couple of issues with lemmy) but this feels like a step in the right direction. Reddit has definitely tainted the link aggregator site, and concepts like shadow bans and vote fuzzing are just really terrible. I am new to Lemmy but I don’t feel like I am using something inhuman, it’s back to feeling soulful, whereas when using Reddit I can’t get it out of my mind that it’s this evil monolithic machine.
Any system capable of growth will never be perfect. But it will be more resilient than a monolith.
I think federated systems (and more broadly, open models in general) will be more successful in the long run.
Its the same feel of reddit 5-10 years ago. Actually remembering local random users without them being news worthy is wild.
I had a 3 day ban earlier this month for my first bad report lmao. To me, it read as hate/violence, and I had been curious as to what was actionable vs. not. Had 5 reports sent, first 3 successfully acted against (blatant racism/calls for genocide etc.). First one that was flagged as bad got me a 3 day ban. The second bad report didn’t seem to do anything but have a message sent my way.
Had a second ban recently and decided I was sick of fighting their garbage system. I had paused scrapping my 10 year old account due to a lot of the account tools breaking down, but I’ve found one that let’s me alter all old posts and scrub them, so I’ve resumed that.
And now they want to sell the content of my old banned account while refusing me access lmao.
They’re banning for reporting now‽
Yup. Not op but I sure did. It’s an “abuse of the report feature” and bannable if an administrator thinks you’re being too uppity.
I made a habit of mass reporting all the very obvious spambots clogging up my favorite subs and that got me banned suddenly, with no warning, for report abuse. You’re not allowed to interrupt their stream of fake bot traffic that drives up the valuation.
No joke. Blew my mind.
Just to be clear, I mean full on reddit account ban, not subreddit ban.
Guy on Reddit: Fat people are disgusting!
Me: the coolest people I know dont give a shit, they have better things to do than get upset that someone has a weight problem
Reddit guy: Your a loser!
Me: Get a life! You must be projecting your dissatisfaction with your own body.Permabanned for harrassment. Didnt bother fighting it. Couldnt be happier, not enguaging with 50 thousand teenagers has helped my sanity
Fighting it means zero anyway, I’ve never seen a siteban reversed. Ever.
I remember being (temp) banned from the Signal subreddit for daring to discuss Telegram. Talk about group think. I never participated in that sub again.
Welcome to Lemmy! Fair warning, a vocal part of the user base here is anti-Tesla.
deleted by creator
I’m not, so I guess I’ll contribute to evening that population out now that I’m here.
It’s not like there aren’t vocal anti-Elon/Tesla/EV people on reddit. I wanted an EV and didn’t consider any other vehicle because of the range and charging network. My car is almost 5 years old and we’ll see what’s out there in another 5-10 years.
Yeah, I saw that on Reddit too. It just seems like here there’s a lot of people who jump on anyone for even wanting an EV here. A lot of folks think that bikes and public transportation are viable solutions for everyone’s daily needs. It feels like a lot of people here think that since EVs aren’t a perfect solution, that we shouldn’t consider them at all.
I have an ebike too but that doesn’t get me everywhere. EV works great for me. Almost 5 years old, over 90k miles and no complaints to speak of. Thanks for the heads up.
Notice that I got downvoted? That’s exactly my point. Lol
deleted by creator
Yeah people have been getting banned for all sorts of stupid reasons for nearly a year now. My friend got a site wide ban for calling someone a moron…in a story. It’s beyond Amy sort of rationalization at this point, just let it rot. You won’t be the last.
Its been going on for longer than that. I haven’t been able to post on /r/sports for years. They were supposed to reinstate everyone from the /r/AFL feud but mine is still banned.
I once got permabanned from r/eyeblech for posting a joke on there. I wasn’t even the first one to do so. But I was able to appeal it.
For those who don’t know, r/eyeblech was a gore subreddit. I posted a video of putting milk in the bowl first, then cereal. I guess that was way too far xD.
Damn son, people have been tried in The Hague for less 🙀
That is hilarious and the missing “a” in the subreddit name makes all the difference in the world.