Sure, “nice” needs some definition.

But that’s your call. I’m asking you if you are a nice person.

    4 months ago

    Depends what you mean by “nice”. Nice as in “genuinely good” person, or nice as a “nice behavior towards others”? There’s a difference, because in the latter one, it can involve not being honest, just so you can appear “nice”. So I’m not “nicely socially behaving” most of the time, I’m instead hammering with facts (without being aggressive). My underlying reason for being like that is because: 1. I’m not diplomatic at all, I wasn’t born with that gene it seems, 2. I don’t believe I help the situation if I just be nice for the sake of being nice. I feel more useful when I’m straight up, clear as water, without being combative or aggressive. If that makes me not nice because I’m not sugarcoating with socially expected bullshit, then I’m not nice. If that makes me nice because I try to help and my intent is pure, then sure, I’m nice.