• THEWIZARD@lemmy.world
    25 days ago

    People should focus on a better single lifetime lifespan OS, not churning out further e-waste and recycled devices that will inevitably become none circulatory e-waste that will return back as what it once was, yes it will reduce that waste numbers for a time but not prevent it, wheras OS regulation to force a single unified OS per company name would stop it altogether wouldn’t it, if they said all hardware must have a unified OS that does not age out and all hardware must be able to here after use the same baseline OS development that also must be unified this day forward…now deal with it or close shop if you want to change this e-waste problem for real that is theoretically the only way likely you’d impact it in a stop immediately way for good.You’d apply it to both phones and computers and also consoles but allow the shells/housings to be made of fully recyclable materials so they can be re-housed slide out slot it design would work for motherboards aka a modular case/housing design.

    • GoodEye8@lemm.ee
      25 days ago

      I’ve already pointed out that most Pixel phones run on the same OS, it doesn’t prevent Google from churning out new phones on a yearly basis because hardware is independent from software. The same OS doesn’t prevent sticking in a better camera of a better CPU, it only prevents adding new features to the OS.

      What you’re suggesting could work if ALL pixel phones had to run on the same OS which effectively stifles technological advantage. I don’t think you fully understand the impact of your suggestion. What you’re basically saying is that 99% of personal computers should be using windows 3.1 (or I guess actually MS DOS) because that’s the OS Microsoft created and that’s what ran on the first PCs. Even the jump to Windows 95 is impossible because it literally might not fit on hardware that’s designed to run windows 3.1. You could argue that it’s a silly argument as it would start now, but guess what, 40 years from now Windows 11 can be just as ancient as Windows 3.1 is right now. If we somehow figure out quantum computing for consumer market you couldn’t really benefit from it because you need to support windows 11 that has no idea how quantum computing works. Not to mention it actually makes entire companies obsolete because a brand new company could make an OS that supports quantum computing and everyone switches to that company OS because that OS doesn’t need to support decades old hardware.

      Forced baseline OS does not solve the issue. It only creates worse issues.

      • THEWIZARD@lemmy.world
        23 days ago

        Puppy linux has done what I refer to for years requiring just 300mb to 400mb install space for the distro and about 2gb ram and a core2duo cpu minimum to run it well.

        So I put it to every phone maker then, how does a 2007 PC run a distro an OS faster than rest of machines of newer specs on newer OS’s, but a puppy distro achieves better on older sh@t spec machines which to this day is still getting software built and maintained and has an active community on Discord that is yes small but great.

        how do phones need to do anything differently to run as well? Why do you need 8-16gb software ROM files for them? Why do you need 8gb ram and more on a mobile OS then? lol what is the aim of all these supposedly required updates as well to… if not simply to recharge sales on hardware, but if you made the software like Puppy does you just sell loads of great apps instead of handsets to make the money and there’s a lot less work involved and cost outlay as you just retain that one custom OS through your own independent life long server that contains the files being kept alive not dropping the servers for the apps and so on to again force hardware sales through incompatibility at a software level.

        A fairphone is trying but more like trying in the wrong way because e-waste is the bi product of forced software itterations and hardware requirements to suit an unessicarily large and power hungry Android and or IOS operating system thus it’s a endemic greed problem that nobody is forcably tackling, their just basically allowing all this toxic mess to build in someone’s backyard until it posisons everyone or everyone goes glow in the dark before dying at age 1 or some sh@t or for the kids of the next genertion to breathe the fumes off into their lungs and die younger at this rate they’ll need need some of those air purifiers off the Aliens movie to fix the air quality from all this e-waste lol.

        A fairphone will not put a dent in it at all really, well it will gradually albeit far far more slowly than the rest are adding to that e-waste dump, so it’s somewhat pointless really yes it’s a nice gesture a really nice thought, but it’s totally un-survivable at a product market level at triple the cost of phones of a similar spec of hardware.

        Hardware necessity is clearly more or less somewhat of an illusion to sell more sh@t and sh@t expands to space available or in this case old e-waste does.

        I’ll let you have the last word as it’s becoming a game of comment tennis lol.

        • GoodEye8@lemm.ee
          25 days ago

          Right. So let’s imagine everyone uses Puppy OS for the phone OS? How does that prevent phone manufacturers from creating a new phone every year? It doesn’t. I’ve already pointed it out with Pixel phones, TWICE. Pixel 5 runs the same OS as Pixel 9 and obviously it hasn’t prevented Google from releasing 3 different version of Pixel 6, 7 and 8, and then also Pixel Fold and 4 different version of Pixel 9. If every Pixel phone moving forward would be stuck on Android 14 they’d still be able to release a new version every year because you still get marginally better camera, marginally more memory, marginally better processor etc. Using Puppy OS wouldn’t prevent manufacturers from spitting out a new model every year because the other issue with phones is that they’re not repairable. If your screen breaks or battery dies or charging port stops charging you can’t really fix it without paying usually over half the price of a new phone, which means people just buy a new phone. A fixed OS doesn’t solve hardware failures which leads to people buying new hardware. Regular wear and tear is the main reason for e-waste, because you can’t fix your fucking phone. This is literally the reason EU is forcing phone manufacturers to make replaceable batteries a thing again, because it’s the primary point of failure for most phones.

          Solving e-waste doesn’t start with the OS, it starts by making hardware easy to repair or replace. And that’s exactly what fairphone does. And it’s super weird how you’re both “the hardware on fairphones sucks” and “hardware necessity is an illusion”. You’re undermining your own points.