Hey pal, we’re trying to maximize this quarter’s profits. You’re holding a negative long-term view which is keeping the team from synergizing though magical hallway conversations, so why don’t you take an action item to realign your personal KPIs with the company’s and we’ll circle back next week to touch base. Mkay /s
Hey pal, we’re trying to maximize this quarter’s profits. You’re holding a negative long-term view which is keeping the team from synergizing though magical hallway conversations, so why don’t you take an action item to realign your personal KPIs with the company’s and we’ll circle back next week to touch base. Mkay /s
You can maximize profits, or, you can create sustainable value. That’s on you, brother …
I’m good with maximizing company KPIs, as long as they balance out to a positive benefit for me in the long run. Otherwise, what are we doing here?