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Ok so Trump has been elected president. I honestly don’t care whether it is the fault of the people that are constantly bickering online or the DNC platform.

To me all that matters is what are you going to do next.

Trump has outlined a plan, Agenda 47, and is probably in cahoots with the people that made Project 2025. They have spelled out every horrible thing they are going to do.

How are you individually planning to help stop/curtail these efforts?

Sabotaging oil rigs, stopping the destruction of abortion clinics, DIY medicine, guerilla gardening, etc.

The actions don’t have to be big, but we are currently in the position that the people who lived under Hitler went through can we please not take this sitting down.

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    4 months ago

    Mutual aid will be more important than ever, join and build up your local groups if you’re able, it will pay off in dividends in the coming years.

    • Search your local area + ‘mutual aid’.
    • Help your local food not bombs.
    • Create a worker owned cooperative with your friends if possible, or join an existing one.
    • Help spread the meshtastic network to build up communication resilience in your community.
    • Plant trees in your community to help reduce the heat island effect for the coming heatwaves.
    • Create or join a community garden near you to bolster food availability and foster connections with those around you.
    • engage in guerrilla urbanism, make your community safer to walk or bike
    • encourage your coworkers to unionize under the IWW, contact them for help on how to unionize your workplace.
    • vote in your local elections to try and have a state or city government that is less hostile to the above actions, but continue to build decentralized power independently of them regardless. Do not make the mistake of handing off the responsibility to make things better to them, it’s up to YOU, and your community, and hopefully other nearby communities doing the same, but that is all.
    • consider acquiring medical equipment and learn its use either. Hope that you never need them.

    We have tremendous collective power if we just use it, and hopefully this outcome will result in us coming together and building that world in the shell of the old. Collective solidarity is our only solution left.

    4 months ago
    • Donate to causes you believe in. Organizations like the ACLU will continue to fight tooth and nail against each unlawful policy.
    • Volunteer for things you believe in
    • Use your constitutional right to protest
    • Stock up on enough supplies for a month
    • Pack a bugout bag in case things get too out of hand and have an escape plan.

    Take solace that 60 million people in this country, at a minimum, did not support this administration. That will be more present in the cities, and there are a lot of cities in this country.

    We have power. We have voice. The federal government couldn’t take Afghanistan with 20 years of trying. The same applies here so long as we realize our potential and resist.

    4 months ago

    Small things you can do:

    Document things. Download speeches and clips, save articles, pictures, record your own videos and photos. Keep your receipts, build a weather station, log the effects of this administration on yourself locally. Write a journal. Keep it all offline and be discreet about it. When they try to distance themselves from the inevitable fallout, you can share your own evidence, your own story, and throw it right back in their smug faces.

    Take upward flowing money out of the economy any way you can. Repair, reuse, rebuild, swap, share, create, grow, buy local, take on a roommate, do anything you can to avoid pumping cash into the orphan killing, billionare making, machine. Stop feeding Google/Amazon/Meta clicks and advertising dollars. Get a used laptop. Put Linux on it. Get VPN incorporated in a country that doesn’t give a fuck about the US and pirate media. Better yet, make your own media and give it away. Starve the people who will profit off this administration and the chaos it’ll create as much as you can.

    Practice opsec. Limit your online profile. Keep location services off. Don’t talk about how you can’t agree with Trump’s policies because the trans kid next door is a good person. Don’t tell people a trans kid lives next door to you. Get a dumb phone or use a privacy focused OS on your smart phone. You can learn how to install a custom ROM, I have faith in you. Help others do the same, make it harder for them to dox people and reduce the data they have to target propaganda and manipulative media with.

    4 months ago

    Resisting Trump presidency is too short sighted.

    We need fundamental change in how our elected officials relate to the concerns of their constituents.

    Studies have shown that public opinion actually has statistically no impact at the federal level. That is, unless you have the money to afford a lobbyist.

    If money and the concerns of the wealthy are all they care about, we should do what we can to limit the supply.

    The US economy runs on consumption. That’s where we have leverage.

    We should organize a general consumption strike. Buy what you and your family need to survive and that’s it. Cancel your Amazon, cancel your Netflix, buy locally in cash, buy second hand.

    It wouldn’t take as many of us as you might think to make our presence felt.

    This will certainly cause hardship for some (I myself work in retail) but the pain y inevitably at this point it might as well be productive.

    Hit them where it hurts.