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Ok so Trump has been elected president. I honestly don’t care whether it is the fault of the people that are constantly bickering online or the DNC platform.

To me all that matters is what are you going to do next.

Trump has outlined a plan, Agenda 47, and is probably in cahoots with the people that made Project 2025. They have spelled out every horrible thing they are going to do.

How are you individually planning to help stop/curtail these efforts?

Sabotaging oil rigs, stopping the destruction of abortion clinics, DIY medicine, guerilla gardening, etc.

The actions don’t have to be big, but we are currently in the position that the people who lived under Hitler went through can we please not take this sitting down.

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    4 months ago
    • Donate to causes you believe in. Organizations like the ACLU will continue to fight tooth and nail against each unlawful policy.
    • Volunteer for things you believe in
    • Use your constitutional right to protest
    • Stock up on enough supplies for a month
    • Pack a bugout bag in case things get too out of hand and have an escape plan.

    Take solace that 60 million people in this country, at a minimum, did not support this administration. That will be more present in the cities, and there are a lot of cities in this country.

    We have power. We have voice. The federal government couldn’t take Afghanistan with 20 years of trying. The same applies here so long as we realize our potential and resist.