Softener dispenser isn’t draining. Open the lid after a cycle to find it still full of fluid. I’ll admit I have no clue whatsoever how it works; I also don’t know how they manufactured it because it doesn’t come apart. It’s the kind that sits on top of the agitator (top-loading washer), I think it works by centrifugal force, that it’s supposed to fling it out of the center chamber to an outer chamber during the spin cycle?
I tried cleaning it not long ago, it doesn’t come apart, so I don’t know if I just washed some Clinton-era crud into a small port I have no hope of cleaning. Oh well, remarkably for a washing machine of this age these parts are still available, so I think I’ll just spend ten bucks on it.
Sorry to be extra dull but in 50+ years of existence I’ve never had one single reason to use fabric softener, and I suspect that the last 30,000 years worth of human generations didn’t either
Why pollute the planet more for absolutely no reason?
Hard water I believe. But not sure of how or why it helps if it does
It doesn’t
I just use the dryer sheets and they work fine.
Fabric Softener is the absolute worst. It builds-up in pipes, clogs everything.
I had a system similar to yours, the softener would come out little slots on the outside of the agitator, about half-way down. I just fed a long plastic zip-tie up the slot and opened things up that way. Then a few months later it clogged up again, and I grabbed another zip-tie. Eventually I quit using softener and just threw a dryer sheet into the dryer.
Fixing a washing machine for cheap feels like you found a real life hack. Do the needful, you will feel good afterwards.