• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023


  • I thought this article showed how crazy what’s going on is. It’s like a terrorist organization had infiltrated Manhattan and you respond by bombing it and telling people to move south (all while you’ve blockaded all fuel and resources even to make the move or find shelter in October and now November once you’ve moved). Of course Hamas has human shields. Where is it even possible for Hamas to exist without Human shields? Where is it possible for Gazans to safely relocate? There are 2.1-2.3M people in this tiny area, all under complete and total blockade.

    And the rush to do this doesn’t make any sense to me either. As I understand it, Hostages have died under this bombing rampage. So it’s not a rush to save the hostages. If Israel is serious about eradicating Hamas without any civilian causalities, why isn’t it setting up pathways for Gazans to seek real refuge where they will no be bombed by Israel before starting the military operation? It could simply along with the US and UN guarantee to pay Egypt for hosting Gazan refugees and guarantee their right to return after the military operation was completed. But Netanyahu’s government certainly hasn’t done that.

    I think Hamas officials and fighters belong in front of the ICC in the Hague. But I think the same of Netanyahu and his cabinet and ministers.

  • I’m more interested in what the term is for folks who wear different masks for different audiences and in particular folks who react to criticism by putting on a mask later all while saying the same thing. It was astonishing seeing this guy on Erin Burnett’s show after seeing him on Wolf Blitzer’s show. It was like watching Lindsey Graham on the Daily Show or Meet the Press vs. seeing him on Fox News Sunday discussing the exact same stuff.

    Edit: I’d only listened to the Burnett interview. They’re different people.

  • The ancestors of the Jewish diaspora are too, just like the ancestors of Palestinians, but the Jewish diaspora been out of the state for at least over a 1000 years if not close to 2000, and that’s why Palestinians would experience their return and the creation of modern Israel as maybe what a Native American might have experience European colonization and the creation of the US and other modern North and South American countries.

    As I stated elsewhere, I don’t think Israel-Palestine should have been divided into two states, and that I think that since Israel is the home of Judaism, Jewish immigration should have been allowed, but the focus should have been as much on co-existing and equality as protecting the rights and lives of Jewish folk and making sure sure the constitution of this new one state never allowed anti-semitism. The division of the area into two states with an arbitrary border led to ethnic cleansing just like the creation of India and Pakistan led ethnic cleansing and the mess we have today. The creation of one non-colonial state with equal rights might not have.

  • Eh, I don’t think many societies besides America are as open as America to migration and immigrants (and we have strong anti immigrant streaks sometimes, but I think we’re more tolerant than most). Like Japan is an old society that’s just not used migration/immigration. Hell, the shogunate shut out people coming in or leaving for 200 or so years before 1850. And even old Western societies that have a colonial past and immigrants resulting from that are not as open to immigrants as the US (I mean that’s what Brexit’s about, right? And you saw how destabilizing Syrian and Libyan refugees have been to the EU, and how incompletely integrated Algerian immigrants are in France).

    Both Jews and Palestinians were first. At least some of their ancestors were chilling in the land as far back as the bronze age: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC10212583/

    But Jews were expelled a long time ago from their home, and only started coming back with the Zionist movement. But with respect to the creation of modern Israel, obviously the Palestinians were there before the Zionist movement and the creation of modern Israel, and I think they might feel the same way about the creation of Israel as maybe Native Americans might feel about European colonization and the creation of the US.