• 54 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • This week, the US National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) stunned safety advocates by proposing new vehicle rules that it says will help reduce pedestrian deaths in America. The new rules appear aimed directly at the trend of increasingly massive SUVs and trucks, which have been shown to be more deadly to pedestrians than smaller and midsize vehicles.

    This will be really cool if it survives the SCOTUS war on the administrative state.

  • No one outside of the donor’s circle liked Biden.

    No one inside the donor’s circle liked Biden. That’s why his fundraising tanked out in those last months. Kamala’s surge in donations was in large part the mega-donor class sitting on their wallets until Biden was ushered off the ticket.

    He was a chump block to the progressives & the left

    He was a chump block to keep Bernie off the ticket in 2020. But there was no real risk of a Berniecrat running for office in 2024. The party has been moving steadily to the right since Carter and spent this primary cycle knocking out any half-decent progressive without a seven figure war chest.

    Now he’s just dead weight. Everyone is happy he’s gone.

  • The old rope-a-dope strategy. Put out an old feeble conservative democrat to lull the opponent into a false sense of security. Let the conservative opposition nominate a dog-eating couch-fucker as VP. Then yank the geriatric coot off stage and replace him with someone 30 years younger and normal looking who can string a full sentence together without drooling.

    Rock bottom expectations are fully exceeded. Right-wing oppo strategists are sent scrambling for a new messaging game. The median American voter fully forgets these two people were part of the same administration and excitedly claps at the jangling keys.

    Not since Reagan cut a deal with the Ayatollah of Iran has any presidential candidate so effortlessly hoodwinked their rivals. Truly a master class in winning elections. We hope.