observing humanity from beyond

  • 14 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: March 24th, 2022


  • dialectical materialism led to the discovery of the laws that govern the development of human society, so no it does not suck.

    read “the development of the monist view of history” by Plekhanov, there you will find the importance of dialectical materialism. people for thousands of years have tried to find out what moves history forward and always ended up with “human nature” arguments, until Hegel->Marx managed to identify that production is the main driver of history.

  • gravity itself is not a dialectic since gravity itself remains unchanging.

    this is not true, the value of gravity is never constant. On earth its used as a constant because the changes are “insignificant” but there are differences.

    the sum of insignificant quantitative changes leads to qualitative changes, if you approached to the moon 1 meter at a time and measured gravity, the difference would be minimal, but after 10km you would start noticing the changes.