• Rentlar@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    The worst days where I have so much to do but I can’t focus feels like when I’m on the back foot in StarCraft but controlling all 3 races at the same time:

    • I can’t build here!
    • You must place that in a power field!
    • alien chittering noises
    • Your forces are under attack!
    • We need more minerals!
    • Spawn more overlords!
    • Your warriors have engaged the enemy!
    • I’m in deep!
    • Evolution complete.
    • beep! Waaaawaawaa.
    • That’s a negatory.
    • My life for Aiur!
    • Need something blown up?
    • You cannot warp at that location!
    • You must build that on creep!
    • Well butter my biscuit…
    • AUaaAgHhhhh!