Nobody wants to do business with unstable nazis.
Nobody wants to do business with
unstablenazis.How I wish that were true.
More like
Nobody wants to do business with unstable
nazispeoplePlenty of businesses ready and willing to do business with stable (and rich) Nazis, dictators and slavers. Look at the line of people and businesses more than ready to make deals with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, China, etc
If you are rich and have a stable government, there’s no amount of human rights violations and genocides stopping corrupt fuckers from trying to make deals with you and profit.
Any company that appeals to conservatives loves to do business with Nazis.
Nah, plenty of people want to do business with nazis. Unfortunately.
Five people here think Nazi business is fine. Yikes.
e: wait, 6.
e2: hey guys! Lemmy doesn’t have vote fuzzing yet! (just noticing. there’s no conspiracy here … or is there?)
There are stable ones?
There are stable geniuses, but I want nothing to do with them.
moooom I’m seeing Nazis everywhere again
Good. Frankly at this point if you’re still on on Twitter I think it’s suspicious.
Long past that point… If your not on mastodon I don’t really care what you have to say. Bluesky is just another capitalist platform used to motize working class people’s content.
I’ve oddly seen lemmy posts on mastodon lately and it kinda secured to me this is the real “web 3.0”
nah, this is how the web was always designed to work.
If you’re on social media I don’t really care what you have to say, if it was anything important it would be in traditional medias.
🙄 what a brain dead take. Why didn’t you go with, “nobodies idea has any value unless they get paid to said it” fuck your stupid ass hierarchy.
Obviously 😅
Twitter has a pretty solid metal (music) community that I’ve come to know and appreciate over time. We share new bands, our opinions on albums, all that good stuff.
Not everything has to be related to politics. People aren’t “suspicious” because they don’t share all your views.
This is problem with platform lock in. Be it discord, X, FB groups, Reddit. Communities form and then fragment as the members who realize there are better open options leave.
The users of the web have enough desktop and laptop cpu cycles to spare for passing a few decentralized messages around without killing battery life or performance. We don’t need these experience degrading/dehumanizing ad platforms to underpin our internet. That’s just a narrative peddled by companies who aim to make obscene profit on top of their already obscene profits.
Metal bands that hang out on the Nazi website? Okay.
I hate to break this too you but there’s Nazi bullshit on every platform.
“Nazi” website lol. Ok buddy.
Why? I have an account because I follow about a dozen people I’d like to see the updates for. I don’t post or search around. Some journalist and sports people. Just because someone you don’t like owns it doesn’t mean anyone who uses it is a piece of shit or whatever. It’s still functionally the same for a lot of functions. Do I use it as much as I used to? No. But I haven’t seen anything worse there than I did at Reddit or here.
When you describe someone else’s grievance as “someone you don’t like” or “says something you think is bad”, you’re adding an implication that the actual reason is irrelevant. It makes it look like you don’t understand the reason at best, or are deliberately minimizing it at worst.
“If there’s a Nazi at the table and ten other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with eleven Nazis.”
Nice straw man
Just because you don’t like my reply…
No it’s because you brought up shit I’m not talking about. I just mean someone might use something for a purpose despite what the owner of the the thing is. I hate Elon Musk, I think he’s a garbage person. But so is most large company owners. There’s still some people that I follow that use it so I’ll use it. It was a sess pool outside certain communities before musk, and it will be now too. Just like Facebook, tiktok, Reddit etc, everything has objectionable content and harmful content by somebody. And every platform has moderation.
You made a coherent argument as to why you use a service, specific to yourself. You get downvoted for doing so. Never change, lemmy.
…Or, perhaps, do change. Y’all can still sniff your own farts if y’all pull y’all’s heads slightly out of your asses.
Given this choice, I’m confident Lemmy will double down, every time.
I remember when I was a kid, at some point in early highschool we had a colleague who was a bit dumb and had blond hair (in a country were that’s pretty rare) so he was commonly bullied and called “piss head” and I did join on the bullying once or twice.
Still to this day I sometimes think of it and feel guilty of, even as a kid myself, having been an asshole to that kid simply to feel I was part of the group.
Sometimes I have the impression that even here in Lemmy a lot of supposedly adults either were always assholes and will always be so, or didn’t go through that part of maturing were you figure out that pilling up on somebody just to be “one of the crowd” isn’t exactly a mature adult thing to do.
Or maybe I’m just overeading it or projecting.
I’m sure you’re not a piece of shit, but by still having a Twitter account equals to supporting the platform and its owner (a proven piece of shit). Even if you’re not giving it any traffic by being logged in or following users (which you’re doing), you’d be giving it your support.
By unfollowing your sports people and quitting the shithole altogether you’re sending a clear message that the platform is dying (it’s already dead for many) and it’s high time for people to find alternatives.
Ha ha! Fuck you Elon. Way to make your shitty platform irrelevant faster.
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$42,000 a month
Fucks sake
Interesting that X only pays you that much to include their integratio-
Oh, they want YOU to pay THEM…!?
And nothing of value was lost. I can’t imagine ever wanting to read a tweet from somebody’s console game.
The point was to be able to send clips from your games directly to social media.
Right, that seems obvious. That’s what I was talking about being of no value. Nobody needs to watch anyone’s console game clips on Twitter.
I get we hate Twitter and rightfully so, but you really don’t see the value for a direct pipeline from consoles to a major social media platform?
People watching other people play video games (streaming, esports, etc) is a multi-billion dollar industry lol
Yeah sharing fun clips or a screenshot from a game you’re playing seems as valid as posting any other video or picture you’ve taken to social media.
The headache of moving it from console -> phone/computer as well. Too many steps usually.
The switch does it really weirdly too.
You have to disconnect from wifi so it can create it’s own hotspot, you connect your phone to that connection, then it hosts a little web server where you can open it up and download your shit.
I mean I guess it’s better than xbox or playstations method which I honestly have no figured out yet. Not that I’ve really tried.
I mean I guess it’s better than xbox or playstations method which I honestly have no figured out yet.
Yeah, way better than… selecting the share button(?)
Switch and Xbox here: Xbox can do clips and screenshots, and upload to social media with one button.
It can also send all the clips and photos to an external storage device, which is what I do so it’s easy to sync clips for making edits of them for videos and jokes.
Nintendo feels so bizarre in how they handle the screenshots. “Here’s a dedicated screenshot button! Good luck sending this to anyone not on Facebook or Twitter!”
When there’s third party apps and programs to make the job of Nintendo and it’s fans easier, they fucked up.
I share off my Xbox with one tap of a button on my controller. It’s not very complicated lol
I think there are much better social media platforms for sharing clips. From what I’ve seen, most of Twitter is people angrily typing opinions at each other, so your target demographic may not be there. The UI is designed for text rather than video, and responses/reactions don’t integrate nicely with videos.
Sharing game clips on video-oriented social media makes a tonne sense, however.
Remember, this was established over a decade ago with the PS4/Xbone. It was a very different landscape then.
Regardless Twitter or not, the use case for console -> social media seems pretty clear to me
Also Nintendo and Sony are Japanese companies and Twitter is (or was? I stopped using Twitter even before it was sold, so I am not quite up to date) insanely popular in Japan, that’s most likely the reason why it’s Twitter.
But what if they’re riding a horse and the horse does something silly? What then?
I do enjoy seeing a horse rocketing off into the stratosphere or using the skeletal animation from a bipedal NPC.
No one believes me, but I actually got pretty close to the horse in very far away horse, but no tweets to prove it unfortunately.
Nobody needs
to watch anyone’s console game clips onTwitter.FTFY
My brother lives far away from me. Sometimes he uploads game play directly from his PS5 onto YouTube and I get a notification. Don’t necessarily watch it for the content but it’s nice to see his clips pop 9n my feed.
Some ppl used the Twitter integration to export screenshots from their Nintendo Switch since it didn’t require USB or MTP
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what have they replaced the X button on their controllers with, then?
PlayStation doesn’t have an X button, it has a Cross button. /j
Imagine if instead of X, Δ, O, and ☐ it was 4 different religious symbols. Like those “coexist” bumper stickers.
If you’re pushing everyone’s buttons it’ll end badly.
It makes extremists only able to push a single button and particularly combative atheists able to push none. At least Christians can jump I guess.
Only on playstation. On xbox and most PC controllers they can mostly attack. On switch they do like… the least common main action, or something context sensitive.
Well shit. And here I’ve been holding it at a 45 degree angle all this time.
This isn’t a joke I made up on my own, either. That’s legitimately what Sony calls it.
Honestly I back that decision. They’re all basic shapes, not letters, so cross is the obvious name for it. I started calling it that based on that logic without being told to.
And Sony originally had the intention of each symbol alluding to a particular action or concept:
- O is confirm or okay.
- X is cancel or go back.
- ☐ is map, menu, or option
- Δ is heading, recenter, or point of view
Interesting, especially that they intended the confirm and back buttons to be nintendo-like but I’ve never seen them used that way.
They are used precisely that way in most Japanese titles, but for some reason when Playstation games were localized outside of the Japanese market the baffling decision was made to swap the positions of the OK and cancel buttons. So we got X for OK and O for cancel, which totally makes sense…
Factually correct :) Sony use symbols not letters
This is a great thing.
There need to be material consequences for Nazism.
I think it’s more that it costs money to use the Twitter API now.
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Can we get a shout out for elon for killing twitter
It’s actually a huge feat to kill such a huge company that had so much momentum. Kudos to him. At this point he could make a business out of ruining things. Pay him to endorse a company if you want to tarnish its reputation.
Every once and a while I wonder if that might have happened
Not the first time I heard that. Met a hardcore Elonstan who defended he’s a genius, and that he was trying to take twitter down to profit off of insurance money.
Yikes. Yeah no. Best id guess is maybe foreign money hoping to tank a liberal platform… But I’m not married to that conspiracy. It assumes he’s smarter than he seems.
foreign money hoping to tank a liberal platform.
Since when was twitter a “liberal platform”?
The rightwingnuts have been running rampant over there for as long as I can remember.
Twitter was very diverse. You could see just what you wanted to see. My twitter was very liberal and tech oriented. But now everyone left.
You could see just what you wanted to see.
That’s not my experience. I never wanted to see rightwing conspiracy crap, but I wasn’t able to avoid it crowding my feed until I avoided Twitter entirely.
Eh, some of them. You weren’t generally banned for “merely” being right wing. But pre-Elon you generally had to toe the line a lot more to avoid being suspended or banned if you were overtly right wing than if you were liberal or left and now it’s the other way around.
Just like how the blue check started as an “I am a public figure and this account is definitely who I appear to be” mark and that’s it, then it became a mark of who you knew/could bribe at Twitter to move the process along and could be revoked for saying the wrong things on Twitter (for example everyone’s least favorite gay right wing provocateur Milo Yianwhatever had his blue check stripped for saying something too offensive well before he was banned), then post-Elon it became just a subscription service.
There was also a tendency to quietly artificially reduce visibility for a lot of right wing voices or hashtags. For example, female MRA and member of Honey Badger Radio Hannah Wallen literally got a bunch of her fans to do some pretty elaborate testing of her account at one point after her engagement numbers suddenly and mysteriously dropped and it turned out many of her posts were invisible except to people that followed her that she also followed, even to people specifically looking at her feed.
Certain right wing hashtags would have numbers that should definitely have them trending but mysteriously weren’t (or would be for just a few minutes and then suddenly vanish despite gaining popularity in the meantime), certain liberal/left hashtags would be trending despite seemingly not having the numbers for it to be organic, that sort of thing. Because Twitter moderation was curating what was and was not “trending”, literally blacklisting certain topics and bumping up others because of the visibility that being trending would afford.
It was all really, overtly obvious if you watched for it, like how certain accounts would be shadowbanned on Reddit for reasons that were both obvious and not spam-related despite shadowbanning supposedly only being employed as an anti-spam tool, or how certain subs would be allowed to openly ignore certain sitewide rules.
maybe to turn it into a not liberal platform, judging from the few times i used it post elon
Insurance money? He thinks that there’s insurance for businesses being run into the ground?
Elonstan in 2024? Who where?
They exist, believe me…
twitter would be bankrupt if they didn’t exist
I wish I had 44 billion dollars to burn.
I could live comfortably for the rest of my life on 1/10,000th of what Elmo wasted.
Surprised that they didn’t remove it earlier
At $42k per month I would have removed/disabled it immediately
Why would I need to pay that kind of money to let my users to post on your social where you’re monetizing it with ads and using the content to increase user engagement? Should be the opposite! The social network paying the game console maker in order to get preferential treatment and prominent share buttons
It’s not that simple. That’s not fair to their innocent user base who used that as their primary login. That’s why this is actually a big deal, it’s technically difficult since it’s so integrated, and it screws over some of their users. So giving them a fair chance to migrate off is the right thing to do.
They should stop posting company business on Twitter, too.
Worse by every metric. “The Wealthiest Man in the World’s Crisis Purchase Putrifies”
Fucking good, everyone that still supports that wannabe fascist tool wears it as a badge of stupidity, at best.
I’ve never used Twitter, but I’ve heard that it’s just a porn site nowadays. Is that accurate?
No, they also have Nazis and other assorted bigots.
Does the NAZI porn involve blond blue-eyed Frauleins in skimpy leather gear with wipps dominating willing slaves?
Asking for a friend.
And a whole lot of racism!
No. There are still a lot of serious journalists on it. It is still a very important media for journalists to quickly share information.
But the porn&hate bots and the uncontrolled trolls make it unbearable. It has always been rough on twitter, but it has become an utter shitshow.
No. There are still a lot of serious journalists on it. It is still a very important media for journalists to quickly share information.
Sorry but It was never that. I joined back in 2016 because everyone said it was the best for fast news and that was a Canadian election year. I didn’t last a week, it was just one liners from “journalist” and a plethora of trolls and people slinging shit at each other
Imagine how bad it was for news, that I wound up liking Reddit more because there was a modicum of moderation
Your experience as someone who tried it for a week probably doesn’t reflect that of people who used it professionally for many years. Part of what made it valuable to media people was the ubiquity of possible sources, but it takes some time and work to develop links to those sources and to the professional contacts who have their own connections to share.
I’m a consumer of news, how would I compare my experience to someone using it professionally?
I’m saying watching baseball was boring and you are telling me playing baseball is fun. Two different things
The experience of a news consumer is going to be different from that of a professional journalist. Kinda like the experience of eating a burger is different from working in a kitchen. Yeah, they’re two different things, we were talking journalism. Twitter was never great for news as a consumer imo, but it was a very valuable resource for journalists. I’m not sure how good X is for either but I’m pretty sure nether experience will have improved.
Yes I get that, but what’s the point of “twitter for journalists” if we separate that from people consuming said news? Basically you are saying Twitter is a great note gathering tool for journalists?
Even your claim that it was a great source for journalists I find sus. Maybe lazy journalists that only parrot twitter quotes. Where is the investigation? Corroboration? Context?
I’m not sure how good X is for either but I’m pretty sure nether experience will have improved.
In this we agree 100%
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You always had to put the work in to find the journalists in whose work you are interested. The algorithm was never interested in doing that for you.
It’s was not a problem to find journalists, the issue was reducing news to a one liner. It essentially reduced every news into a clickbait soundbite, no nuance, no context
You’ve been following the wrong journalists…
Also the entire games industry is still on it and the move to Bluesky or mastadon ended in a stalemate. It’s the only online place outside of invite only discord servers where you can network with fellow game devs.
My main issue with the serious journalism is that there’s apparently no way to sort a feed by time/latest date anymore… what is the point of seeing a random assortment of news from any number of years? Maybe it looks different if you log in, but it used to be my main source of local news & weather before.
It was before, too.
I think that by having all major console makers abandoning Twitter, that it will keep Twitter / X away from the majority of the younger generations. (which I think would be a good things for those wanting to protect your kids from the content that’s allowed to free spread on there.)
You really think kids use consoles, to access social media, more than phones, and tablets?
Perhaps, with them no longer being able to easily upload clips to twitter from consoles, they’ll be less inclined to participate on twitter. I agree it’s not going to change much, though. I wonder how many people were even using this built-in integration anyway?
I know that more kids play video games daily then most adults that work and pay bills, which is besides the point. Most of the time it seems youngers use Discord to communicate then Twiter, when playing games, be regardless of what things might seem.
By removing Twitter from major gaming platforms would make Twitter less relevant to that market which is a lot, over time. It will almost look like Myspace in a sense. (not necessarily that Twitter would be closed down but just that they likely aren’t likely going to be using it even willingly, over something like Discord or Instagram.
I don’t know any kids that use twitter. They all use Snapchat.
Was a horrible idea before Musk also.
It was honestly pretty good being able to post clips and screenshots directly from a game
It wasn’t tho. It was a really great idea. It just became shit.